2D shooter space game

Made the following updates:

  1. Changed the player character, animation and audio.
  2. Changed game mechanic for shooting controller, bullets are now limited and player needs to collect more ammunition.
  3. Created ammunition pickup, with animation and audio when collected.
  4. Converted satellite as space station that spawn new ammunition pickups
  5. Created a mothership with its own idle animation that spawn enemy ships
  6. updated HUD with new elements as:
    1. player lives
    2. ammunition available
    3. mothership healthbar
    4. planet mars healthbar
  7. Added a mini map that can be used as a radar
  8. created new audios for:
    1. pause game
    2. player shoot
    3. empty weapons (3 variations)
    4. game over sound
    5. game victory sound
  9. Created 3 levels, each one with a different win types.
    1. level one: player get used to controls, pickups and shoot enemies, player wins when all enemies are destroyed
    2. level two: player needs to escape from enemy base(maze), and a new types of enemy more faster and with different color chases the player. player wins when finds the way out.
    3. level three: player needs to destroy enemy mothership before the the planet mars is destroyed. player wins when mothership is destroyed and mars has survived.


Created by Andres Villarroel


Windows.zip 30 MB
Mac.zip 41 MB

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