Made with Phaser for the GameDev.Js Jam 2024

This project was developed solo, but third-party music and sound effects were utilized during its creation.

It may take a while to load the first time as it will download the assets



Mouse Left Click to attack 

Abilities can be activated only by pressing  the following key shortcuts: 


Enables power glasses , once active, hovering the mouse over an enemy, display it's power level and health points info.


Regenerate 20% of your total health


Blocks 20% of the damage received for 3 seconds.


Deals an additional damage based on the percentage of current health for 3 seconds. i.e. if current health is 100% them will deal double damage, if current remaining health is 50% it will deal additional 50% damage.



  • Game now supports leader board 
  • your customization player will appear as enemies of players of similar power (top 10 above your power)
  • some additional sounds
  • fixed health ability to heal the 20% of your max health.
  • renamed "wears a cape" to : "No cape" and now it is possible to customize character without cape.

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